I just thought about the SNL Land Shark skit from many, many years ago (I know I saw it in reruns...not first run!) & as always, it made me laugh. Out loud even. I don't know what it is about that skit, but it just cracks me up. Always. It's like my go to when I'm having a bad day.
Anyway, I've been keeping busy here with *stuff*. Nothing that I can really pinpoint, but I've been busy. Still working on the darn after prom party stuff, patiently waiting for April 25th to arrive, wondering how I will ever be able to stay up all night long (it goes until 4am, plus clean up). I have Brian's aunt coming to watch the boys on the 25th; I haven't yet asked her if she would keep them for a while on the 26th as well so that Brian and I can get some sleep. It's been ages since I've "pulled an all nighter" and I'm really dreading this. The last time I was up late was Brian's Christmas party, we were out until 2am, and I felt drunk driving home, even though I didn't have a thing to drink besides water & coffee.
I've also volunteered to help spearhead an Earth Day project for our church. The theme is "grow with us" since we are trying to start another church campus. Somehow I went from just providing info on what stores to contact for getting donations to actually going to the stores to ask for donations, shopping around for little clay pots & dirt. I need to learn that no can be and is a complete sentence. No. Not, no....well....okay.
On the work front, I have been able to hire another worker, which somewhat relieves my tension from the nursery manager job. Still no volunteers, but it is church wide. I know the biggest problem with the nursery is that the previous manager did not use volunteers, but rather scheduled herself and another worker to do all shifts, but it was costly, and the church is looking to cut costs. I have been able to book volunteers until at least the first few weeks of May. I really don't know what to do. I don't want to abandon them with no one to "run" the nursery, but I really don't want it to interfere with my life. And by that I mean, I don't want to have the hassle/responsibility of having to be the person who works when a volunteer isn't able to, having to go in when someone doesn't show up, etc. I like having my "freedom" and as such, I have really given a lot of prayerful consideration to this job and will most likely give it up at my 90 day review, but will be very honest in telling them my reasons for doing so. They want to really only pay for 3 hours per week, but really want more than those 3 hours of my time. I don't mind volunteering when it's not my job (does that make sense) and will volunteer at all 11am services, but when I'm supposed to be getting paid for something, I don't want to volunteer my time. It is probably selfish, but it is what it is.
I've also been on my never ending quest for home organization (which I believe equals harmony) with little success. I still am trying the fly lady stuff. Sometimes (okay, always) it's hard to have a clean sink when I leave my house in the morning when I am whirling through here like a tornado, making breakfasts, dressing kids, feeding animals and making sure that I have everything packed in their bags (I try to pack snack/lunches, back packs & tote bags the night before). I seem to be able to keep the downstairs clean, but have a hard time making it to the rooms upstairs. Mainly for fear of leaving Michael & Daniel alone for too long in any one room. I also try to make sure that we do at least one craft per week, sometimes more, play games with the kids (why do they take sooooooo long???) and Daniel (2) is trying to figure out how to do puzzles. I have eased up some to the point where I can actually sit for an hour and do things with them without worrying about the messes around me. Don't get me wrong....we don't live in filth...our home is "lived in" :-)
Brian left to go to Tampa for 2 weeks last Sunday, coming home on the 18th, so I've been using this time to try to get some things done at night. This week didn't work so well. I was sick Monday and had things going on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday and I was just plain tired tonight (I know, I know....go to bed...soon...I took a nap today because I had a blazing headache ((sinus infection, I think)) so now I can't really sleep. I've also started on a diet and I'm so HUNGRY. Of course, food is all that I think about since I know I'm dieting. I did cheat (just a little) yesterday, but I'm a somewhat emotional eater and I found something that really, really upset me. Other than that, I have been doing okay with the eating portion. Not so much with the water portion. It seems so easy to do. Drink water. I have been exercising though. I got an awesome double jogging stroller so I'm using that and also taking the boys out to ride bikes. Michael has a 2 wheeler (with training wheels) and Daniel has a tricycle with a handle, so I just push him. Our walks are usually about a mile round trip and last about 30 - 45 minutes.
Well, that would be it for now. I am having hunger pains, so I think I'll drink a glass of water and go to bed. The boys have "practice" tomorrow morning at 10am at church for the Children's Day program on Sunday.