Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Since I have begun trying my hand at this new fangeled (sp) thing called blogging (or blooging), I've found that I have trouble thinking of anything to write. Is it that I really do nothing. I mean, I feel like I'm busy all the time, so what makes it so hard to write about it? I mean, just yesterday, I changed one extremely bad diaper, cleaned up dog puke twice, reapplied pet urine off to the 3 spots my cat whizzed after his trip to the vet, took the floor mat out of the van & hosed the rotting chocolate milk off it, did a load of laundry because of clothes worn during the aforementioned diaper, went to work at 6pm and tried to leave to come at 9pm, only to find that a parent obviously had picked up my car keys off the counter, thus leading me to calling my (sleeping) husband to bring me my spare key. Which, by the way, I hope someone will cough them up. I need to go through the list of parents that were there last night & start calling today. My remote car starter key fob is on that key ring; I mean, what if I actually have to go inside of the car to start it? I can't even think about the horror of it all.

Time to get a shower (possibly) and get dressed (definitely).

1 comment:

The Lazy Perfectionist said...

There is alwasy stuff to write about, that was a beautiful post! You do all sorts of stuff, the posts don't alwasy have to be deep or profound.

I am alwasys so thankful when I see a new post up. I guess I should get a bit better at that, it is the little, seemingly meaningless things that keep us connected.

I should think of something to bloog now....

keep writing!