Wednesday, June 3, 2009


It is official....Bryn WILL graduate on June 11th. There was a period of uncertaintanty about it, but that has passed (as has he!). I am actually getting nervous, and I'm not sure why. Despite all that he has gone through this past year, he really is a fine young man (if I do say so myself). He's not rude, he's pleasant enough and all of my friends tell me that what a nice young man he is (and I think they really mean it!). I guess I am feeling a bit melancholy, a bit sappy and a lot disbelieving where the time went. It seems just yesterday I was standing outside of the elementary school with him while he was clutching "Raccoony", fearful of what was on the other side of the doors. He went in those doors a little boy and on June 11th, he will leave those doors as a young man. I love you, Bryn :-)