Monday, February 2, 2009

Workin' out so I can work IT...

I started a new diet/exercise program the 2nd week of January and I am really diggin' it! Well, I say diet and exercise, but my diet sucks....the exercise portion, however, ROCKS. I am doing work out program called ChaLean Extreme from the family of the Beachbody exercise programs (they have given us Turbo Jam and P90x to name a couple). I was turned on to this workout by my new, very cool friend, Sarah. The cost for the program was not cheap (it was $120), but it is FAR CHEAPER than a gym membership, and so much easier. You can schedule work out times online with your workout buddies and "meet up", so you have that accountability going on. I have dropped almost 7 pounds, and would probably be able to do more if I would drink my water and eat the way I should all the time, but I do the best I can with my eating and make my workouts every day. If any of my readers (all 2 of you ☺) are interested at all in checking out Sarah's other programs/products, go on and visit her at her website: You'll be glad you did ☺


Sarah said...

You're awesome!!! Thanks for saying I'm cool- that's the best part. : )

tiffanie1717 said...

Sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out. Right now I'm just making my wii fit groan at me. :) (when I step on, of course!)

Perpetual Procrastinator said...

Geez Kat, Good job!! We did the Biggest Loser at work. I actually thought I won at Weigh In day and then someone weighed in after I left and beat me out by 1%. I lost 8.5 pounds. After I found out another contestant beat me I drowned my sorrows in a dozen wings. Nice, huh? Good for you for sticking to the work outs. I thought you already looked great, though.