Tuesday, July 1, 2008


That's how I would describe the weather today. No humidity, sunny, big fluffy clouds and a light breeze. And best of all, my dear friend (whom I haven't seen in three whole weeks) was there with her kids. They were occupied with each other, which gave us plenty of time to catch up.
All in all, it was a lovely day!


The Lazy Perfectionist said...

sounds so lovely.

Still going away this weekend with just the 2 of you?

the (not so) reluctant housewife said...

Not this weekend; the weekend of the 18th. I'm so excited, but I still haven't found a place to go.

Perpetual Procrastinator said...

We are going to Millersville Md. and on to DC the 16-20 maybe we could meet and have dinner one of those nights if we are anywhere near each other.