Sunday, November 16, 2008

The list..

One of my FB friends (Sarah M.) had made a list of things that she liked, and asked what was on out lists, so I thought I would also make my own for my blog, so here goes. And, as a caveat, family & friends are a given

THINGS I LIKE (in no particular order)
  1. The feel of crisp, cold clean sheets on my feet.
  2. The smell of crisp clean sheets dried on the line.
  3. Sitting down on a couch and NOT being covered in pet hair when I stand up.
  4. Putting the kids to bed just once.
  5. Sleeping in.
  6. Being needed.
  7. A clean bathroom.
  8. Clean floors.
  9. Helping others.
  10. The way I am greeted at the door from my kids (well, the little ones anyway) and the's the same whether I am gone 10 minutes or 10 hours.
  11. Having the last word in a spat with my husband.
  12. Looking good & feeling good.
  13. Clothes that fit.
  14. Cute shoes that don't make my feet look like Olive Oyl's.
  15. The smell of "Heaven" (gap scent)
  16. Praise songs & a good sermon.
  17. A random hug from my teenage boy.
  18. The smell of wood burning in the cold autumn air.
  19. Snow days and snowy days.
  20. Eating junk food on aformentioned snow days.
  21. Clean babies.

And it wouldn't really be complete without listing things I DON'T like. So, again, in no particular order, are the things I don't like.


  1. Sticking to the kitchen floor when I walk.
  2. Sitting on the couch and standing up covered in pet hair.
  3. Sweeping up enough dog & cat hair every day to make a small animal.
  4. People who "let it mellow".
  5. Poopy diapers....let's face it, I've been chaning my kids diapers for over 5 years now...c'mon Daniel, use the potty already!! ;-)
  6. A messy kitchen counter.
  7. Spiders.
  8. The big black spot in the middle of my living room carpet....seriously, it was in front of the couch, I cleaned the carpets, and it has moved.....what is THAT all about???
  9. Big chunks of meat in Chinese food....
  10. Pate.
  11. Snotty noses.
  12. Cold feet / wet feet.

And that in no way is a complete list of all things liked and disliked, but merely a sampling....what's on YOUR list?

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