Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008

I know everyone thinks they have the best friends in the world, but I really do.
I have been blessed with some wonderful new friends and have also reconnected with some pretty awesome old friends, too.
I am so thankful to have met these people and even more thankful that they have allowed me to be a part of their lives.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
inside out burgers.....YUM

I made these last night for SUPPER and they were scrumtrulescent. The next time I make them, however, I will make a few modifications, such as using a sharp Vermont cheddar mixture with the Gruyere, adding some bacon and using A-1 (perhaps the peppercorn variety) instead of the worcesthire sauce. I sauteed some onions & mushrooms to go on it, made a tossed salad topped with olive oil & balsamic vinegar, and had
some boxed pasta (pasta roni of some sort) and called it a meal. And I finished my meal with my most favorite food....fresh pineapple!
Inside Out Burger recipe
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

So far, it has been relatively peaceful here. I have been up since about 5:45 and the boys followed suit about 30 minutes later at 6:15. They have a play date today and are excited about it, although I hope that the fact they have gotten up so early will not make them grumps! They were supposed to go swimming, but it's not looking like they will. I have already prepared Michael for that fact and keep reinforcing it so that there will be no "surprises" as he does not do well with the unexpected.
I have just taken a batch of chocolate chip muffins out of the oven and the boys have had their first cup of hot cocoa & me my coffee. They are with hot cocoa like I am with coffee....a bear with OUT it.
Here's to an enjoyable, tantrum-free day...please!!!
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008
Outdoor "theatre"

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Brothers gotta hug

Today, Bryn, his girlfriend Gwen and Michael went to see this movie. Michael was SO excited about going to a movie with his big brother & Gwen...he told everyone that he saw this morning that his brother was taking him to the movies.
And, since it's just me & Daniel at home, it is so quiet. Daniel loves to just play and loves it even more when he's not being terrorized.
Plus, I'm going out to dinner with some friends tonight, without kids....could this day get any better?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Monday, June 9, 2008

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Diamonds are a girls best friend

Friday, June 6, 2008
Good times

And then there was afterwards.....coffee, fried zuchini, blueberry cheesecake. yum, yum, yum.
The best part of the evening (well, maybe not the best, but it was sure a great start to it!) was that Bryn works at the movie theater and was able to score me two free tickets....SWEET. Almost $20 saved right there....maybe he is on the right path ☺
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We are currently under a tornado warning, for the second time today. As the boys (little ones) were sitting downstairs in the living room coloring, it became very dark, the rain came down sideways, the trees in the backyard bowed down and the french doors *almost* opened from the force of the wind. Luckily, I had the deadbolt locked or they would have blown open.
The boys promptly went running to the windows to look outside, and even when I shrieked "get away from the windows" their only response was "why?".
Bryn stood upstairs in his window, most likely looking through his metal blinds, admiring the lightning and has decided that lightning is the coolest thing.....EVER. I guess from the safety of your bedroom window, it's not too bad. I experienced it firsthand Saturday while working at Nissan Pavillion...outside...under one of the metal beer cart type things. I quickly left that station and headed for the cinderblock bathroom building. I really didn't care if anyone stole the beer, soda or whatever else they wanted. I'm just a volunteer!
On another note, our team leader sent out the call for help at tomorrow's rally at Nissan for....Barack Obama. I had to say, vehemently I might add, "NO". I mean, first of all, I have plans to go see Sex and the City with my friend, but let's be honest, I really don't think my system could withstand liberal saturation.