Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I'm getting my haircut today....I need a CHANGE! I'm not yet sure what I'm going to get done, but something definitely different. The last time I went, I wanted something new, but the beautician hemmed & hawed....once we take it off, we can't put it back on....your hair is so long, are you really sure..etc, etc. So, I walked out with having only 6" taken off, basically looking the same as I did when I went in. My husband didn't notice, nor did any of my friends. Not that I need approval or whatever, but it would be nice to at least see a little change for the prices that are charged! If I like what I get, I'll post a before and after picture.
In other news, this week is VBS at our church and I signed up to do the nursery. I figured I might as well stick with what I know, it's pretty low key & neither of my 2 younger ones will be with me. It has been pretty fun so far. The person that I'm working with is great and I'm enjoying working with and talking with her. The Bible school goes from 9am until noon, so it's a little much on the younger boys because they don't want to go to bed at night and therefore, don't want to get up in the morning, but we only have 2 more days left. I made Bryn go with me yesterday & he will be going tomorrow as well.
Brian and I went out to dinner on Saturday for our anniversary and had a great time. The only thing that could have made it better would have been not having to go pick the boys up. Since Michael came along, we have never had a night or weekend without the little boys and it would be so nice! One day.....
Well, I guess I should go & try to do something before my appointment so I don't feel like a total slouch ☺

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