Friday, March 21, 2008

The answer is: ZIPPY

The question is: How many things did I cross off my to do list this week?
They were good my mind....however, there was already a plan in place for me and it didn't really involve anything on my list. Oh well....eventually they will get done.
We did, however, make Easter cards, a birthday card for my brother, color Easter eggs, ride bikes, play basketball & go to the park. None of which were on my list, but I think the effects will be more far reaching than a clean pair of underwear!

Spring break officially ended today (by the school calendar), but we still have the weekend. An Easter egg hunt at the church tomorrow, which I volunteered for (???????) and Easter services on Sunday; one at 9:00 the other at 11:00 (because I'm working in the nursery for that service). We were supposed to go to a friend's house for dinner, but 3 of their family of 5 are sick and I have 2 sick ones myself, with the prediction that I made tonight that Michael will wake up tomorrow with puffy red eyes & a snotty nose. Mother's intuition, I guess, plus he has the tell tale signs. I did at least make it to the church nursery on Wednesday to clean all the toys and wipe everything down and then spray every inch with Clorox anywhere spray, so that if that is the "common source" of strep which has plagued my family, it will be eradicated. It only took about 4 hours, during which time Hurricane's Bryn, Michael & Daniel pummeled my house. I either really need to get on board with this flylady stuff or get my husband on board with the theme of our house being "a clean house is a sign of a wasted life".

Well, if I don't get back on here between now and Sunday, have a very happy, very blessed Easter.

1 comment:

The Lazy Perfectionist said...

You are getting a lot done, I love the quip about a clean house is the sign of a wasted life. I will have to pull that one out when I need it.

I would like to have both, I really wish my house would clean itself so I could.