Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday ~ Holy Friday ~ Great Friday

  • Yeshua` HaNotsri U'Melech HaYehudim



Whatever the language, the meaning is the same. Today as I prepare for (my opinion) one of the most (if not the most) holy & sacred day all year, I am reminded of no matter how great my troubles & trials may seem to be, they are nothing compared to what Jesus went through in the Garden of Gethsemane and more importantly in Golgotha upon the cross. I know that he went through what he did so that no matter how inconsequential my troubles were, I could bring them to him and lay them at his feet. I am so thankful, even though my daily life & living seem to not reflect it as it should, that Jesus died on the cross to save me....I can't think of anyone else who would do that. I need to work on being able to bring the feeling that I have when I am inside of the sanctuary outside of it and into my everyday life. It seems so easy in words, but something that I struggle with on a day to day basis.

This cartoon, while maybe not totally appropriate for today, is semi appropriate. Most of don't like to focus on the horrible things that happened to Jesus, but maybe we should. I think it is easier to identify with the agony of birth though because most of have either gone through it or perhaps witnessed it first hand....not many of us have ever witnessed anything of the like of the flogging and crucifixion of Christ.


tiffanie1717 said...

Thank you for reminding me. I'm afraid that today was just a day that the kids have off from school. I needed to remember. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you.

the (not so) reluctant housewife said...

I think was actually the first time (sad to say) that I actually observed Good Friday. Not all day mind you, just going to the service at our church. I'm glad I went. It was a very somber service, nothing at all like Easter or Christmas. Done in the dark with only spotlights illuminating the speakers. I heard one man saying to his wife on the way out of the church "thanks for the depressing start to the weekend. Luckily I know how it ends". Kind of comical.

As I said on Anna's page, if you don't mind, I would like to add you to my "bloggerite's" section. I love reading your posts, and it makes me look a little less pathetic! :-)

tiffanie1717 said...

Sure, that's fine to add me in. May I do the same for you? I had you in my favorites but not my links.


the (not so) reluctant housewife said...

absolutely you may...thank you:)

The Lazy Perfectionist said...

You guys are so funny....

That was a great post, thinking about and meditating on Good Friday affects me more than just about anything else in Christianity.