Monday, March 24, 2008

Baby Steps

Well, this morning I officially became a "flybaby". Before taking the boys to school, I filled one side of my kitchen sink with hot water & bleach and let soak for one. Then I rinsed and cleaned with Comet & rinsed again. I have to be honest though, it didn't look any cleaner than it does when I just use Comet, but I dutifully sprayed with Windex & dried it out. The next side I am going to skip the water/bleach step and just use the Comet & Windex. Tomorrow I will get dressed to the laces, but I already do that anyway, so I'm wondering if I can just skip step two and move on.

Okay, onto sink side #2.


tiffanie1717 said...

Did Teresa have anything to do with this?

I will stand firm against her wiles! My sink is full of dishes and I'm proud of it! :)

the (not so) reluctant housewife said...

ummmm....she might have had something to do with flylady part of it, but it was only prompted after my incessant complaining of my neverending quest for organization! When I used to work (outside the home!), my desk was always neat & orderly, everything had a place, and my days (for the most part) went very smoothly....I'm desperately trying to get that into my life at home.

God love ya for your sink full of dishes...mine is that way now, too. It all lasted until the boys came home from school & had lunch! And I have a meeting tonight at 7pm....I'm afraid of what I will find when I come home. yikes!

The Lazy Perfectionist said...

YAY!!! (imagine trumpets and confetti here)

It helps to know that I have a FLy sister! Just keep going, like she says, don't beat yourself up for what you haven;t done, you are not behind, just jump in and do it.

And regardless of what Tiff says, FLY lady DOES care about us!

The Lazy Perfectionist said...

BTW- I screw up my routine on a daily basis, I completely ignore her some days, and my house is not organized and clean, but what I have been doing has helped, and I have realized increased peace in my home already. Just a bit, but it is there. I am getting the family involved a wee tiny bit too.

Kids love routine. Did you check out the house fairy thing? It is for kids. I don't think I will do it, my kids are too old, but yours might like her.