Saturday, December 20, 2008

Why oh why???

Do I feel the need every year to get more even after I say I am done shopping. Can someone help me?????

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Rascal Flatts - Bless the Broken Road - Official Video

I have had many Northern Stars in my life, and I have also been a Northern Star more times than I would like to remember. This song has many special meanings to me, for many different people and many different reasons. I know that there will be many more Northern Stars in my lifetime, but I hope to not be one any longer.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

What we're really talking about is a wonderful day set aside on the fourth Thursday of November when no one diets. I mean, why else would they call it Thanksgiving?
--Erma Bombeck

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Last week on our way home from swimming lessons, I noticed a turtle on the side of the road, trying to cross. I turned the van around and Brian got out and moved him to the other side of the road. He didn't want to do it at first, but I was a *little* insistent that he try to help him out. After all, the road is pretty busy, the turtle is very slow and there was a curb on the other side of the road along the grass and I knew that the turtle, even if he did make it across road, would not make it up the curb to get on the grass. So, albeit reluctantly, Brian got out of the van and moved the turtle to the other side of the road, into the safe, grassy area where there was a swampy area below.

Late this afternoon, as I was coming back inside from getting the mail, I noticed something moving on my doorstep in the recessed area of the door frame. Upon closer look, I noticed it was a bird, a sparrow to be exact, but there was something wrong with it. He was shivering, he had his beak tucked under his wing and there was something on it's head. I thought that perhaps my cat hat gotten ahold of it, but remembered that my cat had been in all night & morning & was still inside. I left it where it was, thinking I would call the Bird Refuge people when Brian got home to look at it. In the meantime, my pastor came by to fetch his child and saw the bird in doorway. He told me that the "things" on it's head were not, as I had thought, brains, but rather ticks. TICKS. I nearly threw up. Ticks are gross....really, really GROSS. Anyway, he asked if me if I had a pair of gloves that he could wear and he would pull the ticks out. I got him some work gloves, he pulled the ticks out, put the bird out in the yard, he flew a bit, then headed toward our box holly bush, where he sat, shivering. The bird was still sitting there when Brian got home, so he got him some suet to see if he would eat, and when Brian went out to check on the bird about an hour later, he had falled over, with his eyes closed. Brian came in "playing" TAPS for me.

So, I can't help but there something to that turtle and the bird? And if so, what? Especially the bird. Why did it come up onto my front stoop? He had to climb 3 big steps to get up there, then another step up into the recess of the door frame. I think "someone" is trying to tell me something, but if that is the case, I'm not good at solving riddles. I need clarity.


Tomorrow is the big day.....turkey day as it called by many.....not around here though. There will be no turkey stuffed nor ate at this residence. Why? you might ask. Simply put, I used to make a turkey of some sort (whole or just the breast) every year, slaving over the meal with all the fixins' only to find out 2 years ago that my husband doesn't like turkey. DOESN'T LIKE TURKEY. Okay, so we've been together almost 10 years and he couldn't have told me this the FIRST Thanksgiving or even the SECOND?? And even when he told me that he didn't like turkey, he didn't really tell me. He proclaimed that he was going to become a vegetarian. It was a few weeks into his vegetarianism that he finally told me that he didn't really want to become a vegetarian, but that he didn't like turkey and that the turkey I had made was so disgusting that it just turned him off from eating meat. Huh...'magine that. Food so disgusting that it made someone want to never eat meat again. Anyway, that lasted for less than a month, but turkey has never been served in this house since, except for the occasional lunch meat.

Last year I made lasagna and this year I am doing London Broil with garlic mashed potatoes, green beans with mushrooms & bacon and cherry pie for dessert.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The list..

One of my FB friends (Sarah M.) had made a list of things that she liked, and asked what was on out lists, so I thought I would also make my own for my blog, so here goes. And, as a caveat, family & friends are a given

THINGS I LIKE (in no particular order)
  1. The feel of crisp, cold clean sheets on my feet.
  2. The smell of crisp clean sheets dried on the line.
  3. Sitting down on a couch and NOT being covered in pet hair when I stand up.
  4. Putting the kids to bed just once.
  5. Sleeping in.
  6. Being needed.
  7. A clean bathroom.
  8. Clean floors.
  9. Helping others.
  10. The way I am greeted at the door from my kids (well, the little ones anyway) and the's the same whether I am gone 10 minutes or 10 hours.
  11. Having the last word in a spat with my husband.
  12. Looking good & feeling good.
  13. Clothes that fit.
  14. Cute shoes that don't make my feet look like Olive Oyl's.
  15. The smell of "Heaven" (gap scent)
  16. Praise songs & a good sermon.
  17. A random hug from my teenage boy.
  18. The smell of wood burning in the cold autumn air.
  19. Snow days and snowy days.
  20. Eating junk food on aformentioned snow days.
  21. Clean babies.

And it wouldn't really be complete without listing things I DON'T like. So, again, in no particular order, are the things I don't like.


  1. Sticking to the kitchen floor when I walk.
  2. Sitting on the couch and standing up covered in pet hair.
  3. Sweeping up enough dog & cat hair every day to make a small animal.
  4. People who "let it mellow".
  5. Poopy diapers....let's face it, I've been chaning my kids diapers for over 5 years now...c'mon Daniel, use the potty already!! ;-)
  6. A messy kitchen counter.
  7. Spiders.
  8. The big black spot in the middle of my living room carpet....seriously, it was in front of the couch, I cleaned the carpets, and it has moved.....what is THAT all about???
  9. Big chunks of meat in Chinese food....
  10. Pate.
  11. Snotty noses.
  12. Cold feet / wet feet.

And that in no way is a complete list of all things liked and disliked, but merely a sampling....what's on YOUR list?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tis the season.....

Well, it's not supposed to be the season yet anyway, at least not officially until November 28th, but it has been creeping around the corner since the back to school stuff was on the shelves. I have not done a lick of shopping and I am totally okay with that. I have found that in the past when I shopped early, I overbought, mainly because I forgot what I had. I have made a list of possible gift ideas for the boys, my husband and I will go over it and choose 4-5 gifts off the list. Between grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, etc, their gifts that they have to open Christmas morning are overwhelming. Not only is it tiring for us to watch them open them, it's not much fun for them when we are grabbing stuff away so that they can move on to the next. Hopefully that will not be the case this year. Of course, they will have their stocking stuffers, but believe me, no one in this house will be lacking on Christmas morning. We have been talking with the little boys, mainly Michael, about kids who don't have the things that he has, so he is very eager to help purchase gifts for the kids that our church sponsors with his money in his piggy bank.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Just a little pissed off.....(and so I'm venting)

As I sit here listening to my little boys play, wondering about what the future holds for my teenager, I can't help but being a *little* pissed off about the results of the election. We are not, by any stretch of the imagination "wealthy"; however, all of our hard work (mainly my husbands in the last 5 years), the lifestyle that we have grown accustomed to living, and providing our children with, is at risk. And why? Because (in my humble opinion), the people of the USA voted in a president not on the basis of qualifications and experience, but rather casting their ballot on false information provided by the liberal media and also so that they could be "part of history". I hope and pray for the best, but cannot help but being uneasy of what the future holds for me & my husband, but more importantly for my children.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Never question a drunk...


I was shopping at the local supermarket where I selected:
A half-gallon of 2% milk,
A carton of eggs,
A quart of orange juice,
A head of romaine lettuce,
A 2 lb. can of coffee, and
A 1 lb. package of bacon.

As I was unloading my items on the conveyor belt to check out, a drunk
standing behind me watched as I placed the items in front of the
cashier. While the cashier was ringing up the purchases, the drunk
calmly stated, "You must be single." I was a bit startled by this
proclamation, but I was intrigued by the derelict's intuition, since I
was indeed single. I looked at the six items on the belt and saw nothing
particularly unusual about my selections that could have tipped off the
drunk to my marital status. Curiosity getting the better of me, I said:
"Well, you know what, you're absolutely right. But how on earth did you
know that?"

The drunk replied, "Cause you're ugly."

Monday, September 29, 2008

A blog too good not to share

I found this on a (web) surfing literally made me L.O.L :-)

If you enjoy it only half as much I did, then I will know you had a good belly laugh, too.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea.....

Last night we got a pineapple from Costco and when Daniel saw it sitting on the counter this morning, he pulled over a chair to get a better look at it. I heard him saying (to the pineapple) "spongebob....are you in there?". It made me chuckle ☺

Sunday, September 14, 2008


So, I came home from church today, fed the boys, did some (more) laundry, made hot cocoa for the boys (I know you love that, Teresa) for their naptimes, took them upstairs to nap, poured myself a bowl of cereal (THAT was my lunch), was summoned upstairs by Michael for God knows what, ended up laying down with him (at 2:30pm) and next thing I knew, my husband was asking me what I wanted for supper.....AT SIX O'CLOCK.

How did that happen? I didn't feel that tired. Michael missed Cubbies, and oh my goodness, what drama ensued when he realized that had happened. Why did you not take me to Cubbies, mommy? Blah, blah, blah....

Now, here it is 10:30pm, and I'm pretty much ready to go back to sleep, but because I felt like crapola from sleeping so long, I didn't do anything once I got up, which of course now needs to be done (or not....). Tomorrow is a new day, and since I will be up at 5am, I should have plenty of time to get whatever done that I don't do tonight.....unless of course Scramble sucks me into it's clutches.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Not so huge anymore...(although it is still pretty easy to read, Tiffanie:-)) I just have to figure out how to make it "pretty". I also need to know how to use my outlook calendar so my husband will quit being surprised when I say "you're on your own tonight". I also need to book our flight for vacation over Christmas break, and....and....and......OMG....I think I need to up my dosage of Prozac :-) hahaha

And did I mention that my blog is......


I'm distraught.....

I tried to change the look of my blog by changing my template; however, no matter what code I put in, it always looks the this....full of nothingness. And I'm distraught over it. RAWR!

Maybe I'll have some time to invest in trying to figure it out in a couple days...until then, I'll keep writing.....on a truly blank slate.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What's up...

Just a quick "update" (they seem to be popular!!)
  • trying hard to get back into the swing of things with school. I had gotten into the extremely bad habit of not getting up until about 7:30 or so, and it's killing me to get up at 5:00 or 6:00am.
  • playing SCRAMBLE
  • (still) trying to get the things done that I keep putting off. I guess if I stopped "trying" and just DID them, I would be much better off.
  • started Awana on Sunday nights. This is Michael's third year doing it, and my first year not doing it. I didn't sign Daniel up this year so he and daddy can have some guy time. I wish I could just drop Michael off and leave without feeling guilty about not helping out somewhere...maybe it will come in a few weeks.
  • I am starting tomorrow night with an Alpha course, and I am sooooo excited about it. I got a few friends of mine to sign up for it, too, so it should be great. I mean, it would be great without them, but they are just a bonus!
  • playing SCRAMBLE
  • I am starting a Beth Moore bible study next Tuesday. I've never done one, and I've heard hers are great, so I'm looking forward to it. It will be good to have homework....maybe that will be the motivation I need in my life to get it together!
  • I am really starting to feel like a "grown up"....not that I haven't before, but recently even more so with some major life events (sudden death of a family friend, impending death of another family friend, etc.).
  • I am finally making headway in my quest to declutter. My front step was littered with bags for freecyclers today. I have to quit hanging on to "things" that have no apparent value, monetary or sentimental. If I could get rid of my kids for a week or so, I would have it made. They definitely slow me down as while I'm doing one room, they are either in the same room, undoing it, or in another wreaking havoc.
  • thinking that I can't wait to get together with my "old" friends again.....20 years is too long...heck, 5 years was too long.
  • did I mention, playing SCRAMBLE.

Well, that about sums up what I've been doing, or not doing. In some ways I wish that I had a full time job vs. a part time job. I definitely think that a part time job has it's own unique challenges, especially when it comes to housekeeping. I'm here long enough to tear through it in the morning, leaving a trail of devastation behind me, but not here long enough in the afternoon before the hubby gets home to get rid of the "evidence". At least full time, everyone is gone from the house all day, so it (in theory) will stay neater. But, I only have until September 2010 until my baby is in kindergarten (Michael starts in September 2009, and Bryn graduates 2009), so I'm going to keep avoiding any talk of going back to work full time until at least then :-)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Class of '09

WHAT?!?!? How can that be??? I swear it was just my senior year....Class of '87. I knew that it would happen someday that he would grow up, I just didn't know it would come so quickly. I'm feeling a little panicky, like I haven't finished yet. Which I haven't, I know, I'm getting a little ahead of myself, but not by much. AND, on top of having one son graduate in 2009, I have another entering kindergarten that same year, then another going to kindergarten the following year.

When Bryn was about 10 years old, and it looked as though he would be an only child, I often wondered "what will I do when Bryn is 18 and graduates and I'm 40. What will I do?". Well, that question was answered about 2 1/2 years later by the birth of Michael and again 21 months later by the arrival of Daniel. I now have something to keep myself occupied until I am at least 60! WOW! 60 years old and having a teenager! I shudder to think.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We're back....

Except for the messiness of the house, I'm pretty glad to be back home. It may take me a while to dig out from under all this. *If* I could ship my kids off for a few days, it would be a breeze. Oh well. Maybe I should just learn to live like a slob.

We had a good trip, saw many old friends and family. All of the boys came back with some sort of "battle wound". Michael has his scratch on his head, which he is so proud of. He finally let me take the band-aid off yesterday, but I was not allowed to wash his forehead during bath time. Daniel looks like he had a lip injection on his top lip, but the dentist says it will subside in about a week :-) And Bryn has the cut on the back of his heel. Luckily, I escaped PA unscathed!!

Well, it's time to get back to the grind (again). I think I'm beginning to get dizzy from all the circles that I run each day.

Monday, July 14, 2008

spiders, spiders

Michael has several plastic toy bugs, all of which on any given day are his "favorite" toy. Today it was a big, green spider. I heard him talking with his friend today (I was watching another little boy today while his parents packed for their move to India) but just kind of blew it off as his mispronunciation.

After supper, he came up to me with the spider in his hand and said "mommy, do you like my itchy, bitchy spider?". I said "do you mean itsy bitsy spider?". He said, "no, NOT itsy bitsy. ITCHY BITCHY" I said "oh....why?" him: "because it makes my hand itchy when i hold it and bitchy rhymes with itchy".

Perhaps he'll remember to bring that spider this Sunday for church...and then perhaps he'll remember a favorite phrase from a year or so ago (learned in the van, most likely at a red light): "friggin' go already sister"!

Oh, kids say the darndest things.

Friday, July 11, 2008

one piece or two?

bathing suit, that is. I have not owned a bathing suit in the last 5 years and have probably not even had occasion to wear one since, oh I don't know, 2001/2002. That is ending today. I am taking the boys to the waterpark with a friend, thus a bathing suit is required. So, once I get off this computer and shower, we will be heading to Kohl's for said purchase. Now, not only am I not into the way the I am looking right now (although my husband says I'm "HOTT"....but then again, he probably has a motive :-) ) I am WHITE. I mean, white on rice white. A cracker. A honky. Whitey. At least I won't be hard to spot at the waterpark amongst the bronzed bodies that will be there (I will liken them to pieces of bacon, and I will be the fat on the bacon, prior to it being cooked!).
I am so thankful for the advent of clothes!

Monday, July 7, 2008

phew...I'm glad THAT'S over

Bryn had his court date today. Our paperwork said 9am, but when we got to the courthouse (at 8:30) the docket had him down for 10:30; I guess if Bryn had given the arresting officer the correct address, we would have gotten the change! Anyway, we are finally called at 10:25, along with about 15 other delinquents (and Bryn's partner in crime was also there!) only to be told by the bailiff that no cases are going to be heard/tried today. This is an arraignment only and we are stating whether or not we want a court appointed attorney, provide our own or waive one. We talked to the bailiff, told him we were waiving the right to have an attorney. Kenny (Bryn's cohort)'s mother had the chance to speak with the prosecutor, who told her that if he was pleading guilty, they would hear his case today; we told the bailiff we were there for the same charges & had a guilty plea as well and would take whatever punishment Kenny was getting. So we got to see the judge, who only charged them for public drunkeness and somehow dropped the charge of possession of alcohol (although I'm not sure why because he stated that they were being charged with that but the only paperwork they gave us was drunk in public). They each have 20 hours of community service (Bryn's will be with Habitat for Humanity, which he was excited about....not sure if that's good or not!), one year probation, 8 months suspended license (and since neither one has a permit much less a license, then 8 months until they are eligible for one), a substance abuse assessement (SASSI, I think) by a drug & alcohol counselor & at least one random drug test.

I was really hoping that the judge or the arresting officer or the prosecutor, or SOMEONE would have yelled at them, made them squirm or whatever, but none of that happened. He has another court date July 13, 2009, for possible dismissal of charges as long as he does not get into any POLICE related trouble between now and then. OY

Sunday, July 6, 2008


I love it. Unfortunately, it loves me right back. So much so in fact that it never wants to leave me. Once digested, it immediately turns to poundage and attaches itself to my thighs, my but, my stomach, my waist and my arms. I am like a big walking, talking jello mold. Michael is constantly poking me in the butt. Why you might wonder? Well, I did, too, so I asked. His reply was simple: Because when I poke your butt, it keeps moving. NICE!
So, the 18 or so pounds that I lost evidently had GPS tracking devices installed on my body because about 10 or so (+/-) have found their way back to me.
It is now, with great disdain, a rumbling stomach and an ever weakening will power, that I must dig out my Weight Watchers notebook, which has laid dormant since June 22nd (my last entry) and begin checking off points for everything that goes in my mouth (22 to be exact PLUS my 35 flex points....CANNOT forget the flex points!).
Ahhhh, food. It brings me such joy yet such pain at the same time. My nemesis. One day I will beat you (and then eat you!).

Friday, July 4, 2008

Jesus on the 4th of July

We gather ‘round to celebrate

On Independence Day

Pay homage to our country

As the children run and play.

With barbecues and picnics

And fireworks in the air

The flag we own is proudly flown

To show how much we care.

The stars and stripes spell freedom

She waves upon the breeze

While bursts of colors can be seen

Above the towering trees.

This is all quite wonderful

We revel in delight

But God above in divine love

Has brought this day to light.

With just a stroke of liberty

A touch of His great hand

He gave democracy to us

And helped this country stand.

The stripes upon our stately flag

Were touched by His sweet grace

Each star of white that shines so bright

Reflects His loving face.

So as you turn to face the flag

For battles that were fought

Be filled with pride for those who died

And freedoms that were bought.

But don’t forget to thank the One

That gives the bright display

The reason why we paint the sky

On Independence Day!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


That's how I would describe the weather today. No humidity, sunny, big fluffy clouds and a light breeze. And best of all, my dear friend (whom I haven't seen in three whole weeks) was there with her kids. They were occupied with each other, which gave us plenty of time to catch up.
All in all, it was a lovely day!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Saturday, June 28, 2008


I know everyone thinks they have the best friends in the world, but I really do.

I have been blessed with some wonderful new friends and have also reconnected with some pretty awesome old friends, too.

I am so thankful to have met these people and even more thankful that they have allowed me to be a part of their lives.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008




The lighting is not the best on the after's but I really love it ♥


I'm getting my haircut today....I need a CHANGE! I'm not yet sure what I'm going to get done, but something definitely different. The last time I went, I wanted something new, but the beautician hemmed & hawed....once we take it off, we can't put it back on....your hair is so long, are you really sure..etc, etc. So, I walked out with having only 6" taken off, basically looking the same as I did when I went in. My husband didn't notice, nor did any of my friends. Not that I need approval or whatever, but it would be nice to at least see a little change for the prices that are charged! If I like what I get, I'll post a before and after picture.
In other news, this week is VBS at our church and I signed up to do the nursery. I figured I might as well stick with what I know, it's pretty low key & neither of my 2 younger ones will be with me. It has been pretty fun so far. The person that I'm working with is great and I'm enjoying working with and talking with her. The Bible school goes from 9am until noon, so it's a little much on the younger boys because they don't want to go to bed at night and therefore, don't want to get up in the morning, but we only have 2 more days left. I made Bryn go with me yesterday & he will be going tomorrow as well.
Brian and I went out to dinner on Saturday for our anniversary and had a great time. The only thing that could have made it better would have been not having to go pick the boys up. Since Michael came along, we have never had a night or weekend without the little boys and it would be so nice! One day.....
Well, I guess I should go & try to do something before my appointment so I don't feel like a total slouch ☺

Friday, June 20, 2008

juvenile humor

immature....I know...but funny nonetheless.
what can I say?? I'm simple.

inside out burgers.....YUM

I made these last night for SUPPER and they were scrumtrulescent. The next time I make them, however, I will make a few modifications, such as using a sharp Vermont cheddar mixture with the Gruyere, adding some bacon and using A-1 (perhaps the peppercorn variety) instead of the worcesthire sauce. I sauteed some onions & mushrooms to go on it, made a tossed salad topped with olive oil & balsamic vinegar, and had
some boxed pasta (pasta roni of some sort) and called it a meal. And I finished my meal with my most favorite food....fresh pineapple!

Inside Out Burger recipe

Thursday, June 19, 2008

June 21, 2002

Saturday, June 21st is mine & Brian's 6th anniversary. He goes by the anniversary chart every year and the modern for this year is chocolate; let's hope he doesn't decide to try something new this year. Or go with the traditional, which is wood. (and a "woody" doesn't count!)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


So far, it has been relatively peaceful here. I have been up since about 5:45 and the boys followed suit about 30 minutes later at 6:15. They have a play date today and are excited about it, although I hope that the fact they have gotten up so early will not make them grumps! They were supposed to go swimming, but it's not looking like they will. I have already prepared Michael for that fact and keep reinforcing it so that there will be no "surprises" as he does not do well with the unexpected.

I have just taken a batch of chocolate chip muffins out of the oven and the boys have had their first cup of hot cocoa & me my coffee. They are with hot cocoa like I am with coffee....a bear with OUT it.

Here's to an enjoyable, tantrum-free day...please!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008


We have an electrician here now fixing our outlets that seem to think their job is part-time, rather than full-time, and to fix our light switches that think it's funny to throw sparks & pop when I turn them on and off.

After he leaves, we are taking the little boys (the big one is working....he needs all the money he can get for his fines, whatever they may be...court is July 7th) to an open house at one of the local fire departments. My friend's husband is the fire chief and the boys really like him, so hopefully they will behave.

Then it's off to a birthday party. It's outside, so I am hoping that the weather will cooperate as the forecast is calling for thunder storms late in the afternoon (the party is at 3pm). It should be lots of's pirate themed and I do love me a good pirate. ARRRRRRRR

Friday, June 13, 2008

Outdoor "theatre"

Tonight, Brian and I took the little boys out for a night of (forced) family fun. We went to the pavillion pictured above, which is in Old Town Manassas, just a few miles from our house. Every June on the Friday of the last day of school, they start their summer family movie night; tonights movie was Ratatouille (sp). The parking is free, the movie is free, the popcorn is free....what could be better than that? This is the first year that the boys have been been old enough to go to the movies, and it was nice. It didn't matter that they weren't still or quiet. Next week the movie will be held on the lawn of the Manassas Museum. There isn't anything there to interest them (well, except the movie), so hopefully they will be good. Tonight Daniel spent most of his time on the caboose that is "parked" behind the pavillion.
Tomorrow night also starts the free summer concert series, which we have been going to since I was pregnant with Michael. The first time we went we thought they might be a little hokey, but we ended up enjoying them.
Some other news from the homefront....Bryn seems to be realizing the seriousness of his bad decisions. We have, however, agreed to let him go out with his girlfriend (occasionally) as she finally got her license. We all had a pow wow of sorts today (Bryn, Gwen & myself) and I basically told them my expectations of them, and the biggest thing that I expect from them is honesty. We let them go to the movies this afternoon & then out to eat & Bryn had to be work by 4pm. While we are not condoning his actions, nor are we rewarding them, we do feel that we must let him exercise some freedom as perhaps maybe his bad choices are a result of him not having been afforded these freedoms in the past. I'm praying for the best.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

God love him (and I do, too).....

But my husband is driving me nuts today.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Brothers gotta hug

Today, Bryn, his girlfriend Gwen and Michael went to see this movie. Michael was SO excited about going to a movie with his big brother & Gwen...he told everyone that he saw this morning that his brother was taking him to the movies.

And, since it's just me & Daniel at home, it is so quiet. Daniel loves to just play and loves it even more when he's not being terrorized.

Plus, I'm going out to dinner with some friends tonight, without kids....could this day get any better?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Savior, My God

Last night, this was what I was watching.

Bryn failed to come home after school yesterday, and after over 3 1/2 hours of calling his cell phone, calling his friends and his girlfriend, I finally found out where he was. His girlfriend at first was lying to me saying that he was with her, but I certainly wasn't buying it...especially when I told her that I wanted to talk to him and she said "ummmmm....he's in the bathroom". After another hour of calling, I finally got it out of her where he was, or at least the address, and she apologized to me for lying "I don't like lying, it's not my forte, but I knew that Bryn was probably already still in trouble for the ""other thing"" ((that being getting arrested)) and I didn't want him to get in anymore".

After finally speaking with Bryn (around 6:30pm) and verifying the address of his whereabouts, I told him that I would be over to pick him up, along with a few other things. Such as, "don't even think about leaving. If I get there and you are not there, I will be calling the police".

So, luckily, Brian came home as I was preparing to leave and, after I filled him in on the goings on of the day, he said he was coming with me.

We got to the "kids" house where he was, Brian went to the door, some short "ugly" kid (his words) came to the door, Brian said "I'm here to get Bryn", the kid said, "uhh, yeah (most likely ala Beavis & Butthead) he'll be right out". Brian comes back to the van and a few minutes later, I see Bryn coming out the door, being supported by two other kids, they walk him to the sidewalk and retreat back in the house. He limps/stumbles across the parking lot (we were in a townhouse subdivision), and I jump out of the van and yell WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?? His reply (slurred) nothing. He gets in the van, can barely walk, his pupils are the size of quarters, he is whiter than white, speech slurred, I could see his heart beating through his shirt and he was shaking. I asked him what he was doing, to which he replied (again) "nothing". I said you better tell me what you were doing or I am going over the house, pounding on the door to find out, and then I am calling the police to come out to the house. He says, please don't, I was smoking marijuana, that's all. I guess he thinks we're stupid, because clearly that wasn't all he was doing.

We get to Rob & Calene's house, and tell them the rest of what happened (they knew the bare bones of the story) and as luck would have it, Calene knew the mother of one of the other kids that was there and she called her. She questions her son, who tells her that they were smoking pot and doing Triple C's (coricidan, cough and cold). That was when we decided he was going to the hospital.

Long story short.....actually, too late for that. Anyway, he swore by his story that he was smoking pot only, nothing else. At his triage, his heart was rate about 125, his blood pressure 170 over something. We got into a room around 9:45 - 10:00 and a NP student came in to do his assessment. He told her that he had only smoked pot, we told her about the triple c's, he said again he didn't do those, so we (Rob & I) told her that we would leave the room so they could talk, at which point Bryn told her that he did not smoke any pot but rather he and a "friend" shared a bottle of Robitussin. And, since in the state of VA (and possibly others, I don't know), he has to consent to a drug test before one can be administered, and even if he does consent to one, the parent's aren't allowed to know what is in it. Anyway, he didn't consent to one, I'm not sure why. My guess is he thought they would have to draw blood, but he will be consenting to one at his doctors office.

The doctor said he was too tachycardic (sp) to go home, that most likely an iv bag would help with that, so they hooked him up around 11:45pm. By the time we left about an hour and a half later, his hear rate was at 60 & his BP was 116 over something. Quite a difference.

He apologized on the way out and said thank you for bringing me here. I feel 1000x better than I did when we came.

Sitting beside my son who is stoned out of his mind in the emergency room isn't quite the scene that I had envisioned, but given the alternatives that were racing through my head, I'll take it.

Monday, June 9, 2008

This is how my children look on an almost daily basis. Michael will do crafts with me....Daniel has the attention span of a fly (possibly less). So, while doing something with one child, the other is in total destruction mode. When I try to do something myself (you know, cook, clean, bathe), it is double trouble. I feel that not only is my house in c.h.a.o.s, but I am also.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Today, a little pep was put back in my step. Thank you, Sylvia☺
After a very long hiatus from pedicures (long story), my friend, her 4 year daughter and I went to have pedicures today. Of course, Michael was upset that he couldn't go because Lilly was going, but he was okay once I explained to him that usually, only girls get pedicures and polish their toes. He seemed okay with that answer. I didn't get nails put on, though, perhaps another day, when I have more $$$ and time. Baby steps.
On another note, I think if I just stand outside for about hour, I should be able to lose at least 10 pounds. I wouldn't even have to move, just stepping foot outside causes profuse sweating. If I didn't dislike the heat & humidity so much, I would try my theory out, but, nah.
I am feeling like I want to (or should) do something, I just don't know what. My husband would probably say get a job, but I'm pretty sure that's not it. When I figure it out, I'll post it.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Diamonds are a girls best friend

I have just returned home from having my wedding set resized, to finally fit my post-pregnancy finger! I figured that if after 20 pounds, they still didn't fit, then perhaps I should give up on waiting for the rest of the weight to come off, bite the bullet and have them resized. Not to mention that my husband surprised me a few weeks ago by taking the engagement ring and having a bigger diamond put in it (it went from a quarter carat to a full carat!...needless to say, I was SURPRISED). He figured that after 2 c-sections, followed by 2 c-section induced surgeries, several missed mother's days, valentines days and the forever promise of getting me "something bigger", he finally did it!
Now, I'm thinking that I have to go and get a set of nails put on...I mean, I can't have raggedy looking nails with such nice rings, right?? And then, I suppose to match the nails will have to be the toes, the clothes, the shoes, the hair....oh my...I don't think my husband fully knew what this ring would mean ☺ haha

Friday, June 6, 2008

Good times

My friend and I took a much needed break from husbands and kids last night and went to see the Sex and the City movie. I had never actually seen more than one or two issues of the series, and even they were on TBS, so I wasn't familiar with the whole "plot" line, but nonetheless, the movie was enjoyable. As was the large tub of greasy goodness, otherwise known as popcorn, which was chased with most likely a weeks worth of calories in a single serving of rootbeer!

And then there was, fried zuchini, blueberry cheesecake. yum, yum, yum.

The best part of the evening (well, maybe not the best, but it was sure a great start to it!) was that Bryn works at the movie theater and was able to score me two free tickets....SWEET. Almost $20 saved right there....maybe he is on the right path ☺

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We are currently under a tornado warning, for the second time today. As the boys (little ones) were sitting downstairs in the living room coloring, it became very dark, the rain came down sideways, the trees in the backyard bowed down and the french doors *almost* opened from the force of the wind. Luckily, I had the deadbolt locked or they would have blown open.

The boys promptly went running to the windows to look outside, and even when I shrieked "get away from the windows" their only response was "why?".

Bryn stood upstairs in his window, most likely looking through his metal blinds, admiring the lightning and has decided that lightning is the coolest thing.....EVER. I guess from the safety of your bedroom window, it's not too bad. I experienced it firsthand Saturday while working at Nissan Pavillion...outside...under one of the metal beer cart type things. I quickly left that station and headed for the cinderblock bathroom building. I really didn't care if anyone stole the beer, soda or whatever else they wanted. I'm just a volunteer!

On another note, our team leader sent out the call for help at tomorrow's rally at Nissan for....Barack Obama. I had to say, vehemently I might add, "NO". I mean, first of all, I have plans to go see Sex and the City with my friend, but let's be honest, I really don't think my system could withstand liberal saturation.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


It has been quite some time since I've can I be so busy yet not get anything done (or so it seems??). After-prom came and went without incident. Prom was 4/25 @ 8pm, and as luck would have it (or un-luck, depends on how you look at it), Bryn had orientation for his first ever job~~the movie theatre~~at 4pm. It was supposed to last 2 hours, but I told him to tell them that he had to leave at 5pm sharp, which he did, then home to get dressed, and off to pick up Gwen (his girlfriend) at 6pm. Arrive at her house around 6:20pm, take pictures and then off to dinner around 7pm, but wait....Bryn's father is in the hospital, so we stop off there so that they can see Bryn and Gwen in the full prom regalia. Then off to dinner for them, home for me to load the car up with all the goodies for after prom. I left for after prom around 9:30pm for set up at 10pm. I think I was running on adrenaline because it certainly wasn't food or sleep! Anyway, it all worked out, the kids had a good time, and I arrived back home around 5:45am Saturday morning. I fell asleep a little after 6am and at 10:30am, felt my husband shaking me telling me to wake up because he had something that he had to do, he would only be gone a little while and I could back to bed. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? I have been awake for over 24 hours with only 4 hours of sleep the night before and you want me to wake up because you have something that you need to do??? WTF. Well, he ended up getting back home at FOUR P.M., so needless to say, I didn't go back to sleep until that night.

Anyway, the after prom chapter of my life is closed (almost....I still have one more meeting for wrap up) house still looks like it threw up all over itself and I spend entirely too much time with my kids. I think I need a vacation. I would like to say sans husband, but he needs a break too, so it will definitely be sans kids.

Oh, and on another note, I started weight watchers (not going to meetings, just have my books and counting points) and have lost 12 pounds over the course of the last 3 weeks. Not as quick as I'd like it to come off, but I have to be patient.

Well, I'm really, really tired so I'm off to bed. I have more for another post on a more personal note but it's too much for now.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Land Shark

I just thought about the SNL Land Shark skit from many, many years ago (I know I saw it in reruns...not first run!) & as always, it made me laugh. Out loud even. I don't know what it is about that skit, but it just cracks me up. Always. It's like my go to when I'm having a bad day.

Anyway, I've been keeping busy here with *stuff*. Nothing that I can really pinpoint, but I've been busy. Still working on the darn after prom party stuff, patiently waiting for April 25th to arrive, wondering how I will ever be able to stay up all night long (it goes until 4am, plus clean up). I have Brian's aunt coming to watch the boys on the 25th; I haven't yet asked her if she would keep them for a while on the 26th as well so that Brian and I can get some sleep. It's been ages since I've "pulled an all nighter" and I'm really dreading this. The last time I was up late was Brian's Christmas party, we were out until 2am, and I felt drunk driving home, even though I didn't have a thing to drink besides water & coffee.

I've also volunteered to help spearhead an Earth Day project for our church. The theme is "grow with us" since we are trying to start another church campus. Somehow I went from just providing info on what stores to contact for getting donations to actually going to the stores to ask for donations, shopping around for little clay pots & dirt. I need to learn that no can be and is a complete sentence. No. Not, no....well....okay.

On the work front, I have been able to hire another worker, which somewhat relieves my tension from the nursery manager job. Still no volunteers, but it is church wide. I know the biggest problem with the nursery is that the previous manager did not use volunteers, but rather scheduled herself and another worker to do all shifts, but it was costly, and the church is looking to cut costs. I have been able to book volunteers until at least the first few weeks of May. I really don't know what to do. I don't want to abandon them with no one to "run" the nursery, but I really don't want it to interfere with my life. And by that I mean, I don't want to have the hassle/responsibility of having to be the person who works when a volunteer isn't able to, having to go in when someone doesn't show up, etc. I like having my "freedom" and as such, I have really given a lot of prayerful consideration to this job and will most likely give it up at my 90 day review, but will be very honest in telling them my reasons for doing so. They want to really only pay for 3 hours per week, but really want more than those 3 hours of my time. I don't mind volunteering when it's not my job (does that make sense) and will volunteer at all 11am services, but when I'm supposed to be getting paid for something, I don't want to volunteer my time. It is probably selfish, but it is what it is.

I've also been on my never ending quest for home organization (which I believe equals harmony) with little success. I still am trying the fly lady stuff. Sometimes (okay, always) it's hard to have a clean sink when I leave my house in the morning when I am whirling through here like a tornado, making breakfasts, dressing kids, feeding animals and making sure that I have everything packed in their bags (I try to pack snack/lunches, back packs & tote bags the night before). I seem to be able to keep the downstairs clean, but have a hard time making it to the rooms upstairs. Mainly for fear of leaving Michael & Daniel alone for too long in any one room. I also try to make sure that we do at least one craft per week, sometimes more, play games with the kids (why do they take sooooooo long???) and Daniel (2) is trying to figure out how to do puzzles. I have eased up some to the point where I can actually sit for an hour and do things with them without worrying about the messes around me. Don't get me wrong....we don't live in filth...our home is "lived in" :-)

Brian left to go to Tampa for 2 weeks last Sunday, coming home on the 18th, so I've been using this time to try to get some things done at night. This week didn't work so well. I was sick Monday and had things going on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday and I was just plain tired tonight (I know, I know....go to bed...soon...I took a nap today because I had a blazing headache ((sinus infection, I think)) so now I can't really sleep. I've also started on a diet and I'm so HUNGRY. Of course, food is all that I think about since I know I'm dieting. I did cheat (just a little) yesterday, but I'm a somewhat emotional eater and I found something that really, really upset me. Other than that, I have been doing okay with the eating portion. Not so much with the water portion. It seems so easy to do. Drink water. I have been exercising though. I got an awesome double jogging stroller so I'm using that and also taking the boys out to ride bikes. Michael has a 2 wheeler (with training wheels) and Daniel has a tricycle with a handle, so I just push him. Our walks are usually about a mile round trip and last about 30 - 45 minutes.

Well, that would be it for now. I am having hunger pains, so I think I'll drink a glass of water and go to bed. The boys have "practice" tomorrow morning at 10am at church for the Children's Day program on Sunday.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

Baby Steps

Well, this morning I officially became a "flybaby". Before taking the boys to school, I filled one side of my kitchen sink with hot water & bleach and let soak for one. Then I rinsed and cleaned with Comet & rinsed again. I have to be honest though, it didn't look any cleaner than it does when I just use Comet, but I dutifully sprayed with Windex & dried it out. The next side I am going to skip the water/bleach step and just use the Comet & Windex. Tomorrow I will get dressed to the laces, but I already do that anyway, so I'm wondering if I can just skip step two and move on.

Okay, onto sink side #2.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Christ is risen. He is risen indeed.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Amen, Sista!

The answer is: ZIPPY

The question is: How many things did I cross off my to do list this week?
They were good my mind....however, there was already a plan in place for me and it didn't really involve anything on my list. Oh well....eventually they will get done.
We did, however, make Easter cards, a birthday card for my brother, color Easter eggs, ride bikes, play basketball & go to the park. None of which were on my list, but I think the effects will be more far reaching than a clean pair of underwear!

Spring break officially ended today (by the school calendar), but we still have the weekend. An Easter egg hunt at the church tomorrow, which I volunteered for (???????) and Easter services on Sunday; one at 9:00 the other at 11:00 (because I'm working in the nursery for that service). We were supposed to go to a friend's house for dinner, but 3 of their family of 5 are sick and I have 2 sick ones myself, with the prediction that I made tonight that Michael will wake up tomorrow with puffy red eyes & a snotty nose. Mother's intuition, I guess, plus he has the tell tale signs. I did at least make it to the church nursery on Wednesday to clean all the toys and wipe everything down and then spray every inch with Clorox anywhere spray, so that if that is the "common source" of strep which has plagued my family, it will be eradicated. It only took about 4 hours, during which time Hurricane's Bryn, Michael & Daniel pummeled my house. I either really need to get on board with this flylady stuff or get my husband on board with the theme of our house being "a clean house is a sign of a wasted life".

Well, if I don't get back on here between now and Sunday, have a very happy, very blessed Easter.

Good Friday ~ Holy Friday ~ Great Friday

  • Yeshua` HaNotsri U'Melech HaYehudim



Whatever the language, the meaning is the same. Today as I prepare for (my opinion) one of the most (if not the most) holy & sacred day all year, I am reminded of no matter how great my troubles & trials may seem to be, they are nothing compared to what Jesus went through in the Garden of Gethsemane and more importantly in Golgotha upon the cross. I know that he went through what he did so that no matter how inconsequential my troubles were, I could bring them to him and lay them at his feet. I am so thankful, even though my daily life & living seem to not reflect it as it should, that Jesus died on the cross to save me....I can't think of anyone else who would do that. I need to work on being able to bring the feeling that I have when I am inside of the sanctuary outside of it and into my everyday life. It seems so easy in words, but something that I struggle with on a day to day basis.

This cartoon, while maybe not totally appropriate for today, is semi appropriate. Most of don't like to focus on the horrible things that happened to Jesus, but maybe we should. I think it is easier to identify with the agony of birth though because most of have either gone through it or perhaps witnessed it first hand....not many of us have ever witnessed anything of the like of the flogging and crucifixion of Christ.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008


after several vomiting episodes, restless nights & general malaise, I took Daniel to the doctor this afternoon to find out that he has strep. Again. Or still. He's not sure which it is. We'll go back on Wednesday for a recheck. At least he didn't puke after the strep test today, though. Although, he does seem to throw up every morning and afternoon after his nap. Not sure what that's about, but I've learned to keep him (and a bucket) close to me for at least the first 30 minutes of awakeness (not sure it's a real word, but it's my word)!
Bryn is mad because we aren't going up for spring break. He was looking forward to seeing his cousin. He will get over his madness, but he's a teenager and his "world" does not go much further than him. It comes with the territory. He'll be really mad to find out that he has tutoring this week.
Hopefully I will be able to start on a project or two this week, and perhaps even finish them. Now that's a concept there....finishing a project.
I'm off to make breakfast for the young 'uns...they are both climbing on me making it difficult to type.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Spring Break OH-EIGHT.....

is going to be more like spring bust. My plan was to go to PA for Spring Break, originally leaving on Saturday, March 15 & coming back home on Saturday, March 22, but Bryn had something going on in VA on Monday, March 17, which left us leaving on Tuesday, March 18 & coming back on the 22nd, which to me, Tuesday is pretty much lost, leaving just Wednesday, Thursday & Friday and then leaving on Saturday. For me, (and I know this is going to sound like whining, but too bad), that's just too stressful. I mean, I would really love to go up and see everyone, but realistically, it's not going to happen. It's, at best, 3 days, of non-stop running, only to return home to VA Saturday evening and attempt to get ready for Easter the next day and then on Monday it's back to school, work, etc....I have stuff I need to get done, so my trip to PA will hav to wait until school is out and I can stay for a few weeks without worry.
Not to mention the fact that all of the boys have recently been sick (Daniel was puking AGAIN today), the dog is sick (and Brian has things going on that will keep him away from the house for the majority of the time I'm gone & all the troubles with the dog started after having her boarded in November), yada, yada, yada. I just think it's best. I keep going on and on with the reasons why....I guess because I feel like I have to....I don't know why.
Anyway, enough of that.
I'm bummed, but at least my chest pains have subsided.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

the porcelain god

This is what my 16 year old looked like this morning at 6:30am...except he's not a cat! I got up at my usual 5am, and told him to get in the 6am, he still hadn't, although he had been in the bathroom for at least 35 minutes. He came downstairs around 6:10am saying he needed 10 more minutes, his stomach didn't feel right. I gave him the evil eye, said you ARE going to school today, and he went back upstairs. I got in the shower & at 6:30am, went back to his room to tell him to get up, but he rushed past me holding his mouth. Yeah right, I thought, this should be a good performance. Well, lo & behold, to my surprise, it was the real thing....which unfortunately I witnessed. He's 16, so I figured he would be alright here by himself while I went to work, so I got myself ready, got the other 2 dressed and came downstairs. We were down here about 5 minutes when Michael (the 4 year old) came running out of the playroom yelling EWWWWWW....Daniel threw up all over the train table. now I also have a 2 year old throwing up, which means it can happen anywhere at anytime. I think I feel nauseous, too, but don't know how much is real and how much is imagined because of the germs that are surrounding me. I guess there will be no worky for me today.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


I took the little boys to the doctor this afternoon, but not before a well-deserved, and long awaited trip to WalMart. I have to limit myself on my trips there because I have a tendency to buy make up (that I never wear), shampoo & conditioner (when I have full bottles at home), face creams (that don't work), nail polish (that I don't apply or apply once and then chip it away...why, because once it chips, I hate it, and if I'm not near nail polish remover when I see it, then it all must go some way) and last but not least, cleaning products (of which I have enough of to start my own cleaning business). So, after getting my "stuff" & cruising the toy aisles, we made it to the checkout with just enough time to make our purchase, run to the McD's in the store for lunch for the little ones & the big one, who we had to get off the bus @ 2:20 and then head to the doctor's office for a 2:45 appointment. We didn't get in the van to leave until 2:25, which meant Bryn had probably already started walking home, but since my phone was dead, I had no way to call him, so I ended up driving down a couple streets before locating him, but when he saw that he had a big mac waiting for him, he wasn't as bitter about walking half way home only to be told he had to go the doctor's office to sit in the van while we went inside.
The visit went well, except for Michael whining and crying, but I know he is sick, and the fact that he had been up since before 6am didn't help, either. Daniel was his normal jolly self. Michael did well throughout the exam, and even tolerated his strep test very nicely. Can't say the same for Daniel. I should have asked for the $4 that his happy meal cost since it ended up in their trash can after his strep test. Off to the pharmacy, but since I'm lazy, I took the prescriptions to the drive through and called Brian to have him pick up on his way home, then home, with 2 little boys snoring the backseat...ahhhhh. silence....and then WAAAAAAAAAAA. Michael's awake after a 40 minute snooze. YAY. Oh well, at least maybe he'll go to bed early.